Congratulations and welcome to the Soaring Eagle family!

You’ve earned this opportunity and we’re thrilled to invite you to make Elmira YOUR Place. The next few months will be full of exciting (and possibly daunting) decisions as you research the academic, social and financial aspects of your home for the next few years of your life. At Elmira College we’re here to help each step of the way. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions about the important next steps toward becoming a Soaring Eagle.

Admissions Office: (800) 935-6472 or
Financial Aid Office: (607) 735-1728 or

Make Your Deposit Today!

Register for Accepted Student Recognition Day - Saturday, April 5!

Elmira College students are pictured during the 2022 President's Welcome Address

Next Steps

  • Schedule a visit. Even if you’ve already visited campus, come and get a more in-depth experience to see why Elmira College is the place for you.

  • Make sure you’re receiving all the aid you need. If you have not already done so:

    • U.S. Citizens and eligible non-citizens should complete the FAFSA at to find out if you are eligible for aid in addition to your merit scholarship.

    •  New York State and Vermont State residents complete your state grant applications – New York:, Vermont:

    • Research private sources of scholarships 

    • Additional information on financial aid and supporting resources are available through our Financial Aid site

  • Submit your deposit. The easiest way to commit to Elmira is through our admission portal. You can submit your Enrollment Deposit  and New Student Orientation fee online using a Debit or Credit Card. International Students, please contact the Office of Admissions for payment options.

  • Make sure all paperwork, including transcripts, are submitted. You can check to see what’s been received through our admission portal.

  • Watch for future emails. Throughout the spring and summer you’ll be hearing from us to let you know what’s happening on campus, how we’re preparing for your arrival and what we need from you. You will receive information about getting started in the MyEC Student Portal, a central spot for you to register for classes, track your payment information, review your housing contract, access forms and more. Be sure to check this site regularly and check your EC email often as we will use these channels to communicate with you.


Share your acceptance experience using #ElmiraSaidYes. We may even share your posts and photos on the College's official Facebook or Instagram accounts.

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